As of 2025, there are new surety requirements for Jersey contractors! Surety One, Inc. is pleased to offer specialized bonding solutions for New Jersey Home Improvement Contractor Businesses (HICBs) and Home Elevation Contractor Businesses (HECBs). Recent legislative changes in New Jersey have introduced new bonding requirements for these contractors, and we are here to help you navigate these changes seamlessly.
Effective January 8, 2024, New Jersey's Contractors' Business Registration Act (CBRA) mandates that all HICBs and HECBs maintain additional security in the form of a compliance bond, irrevocable letter of credit, or other security. The required bond amounts are determined based on the value of contracts performed:
These requirements are outlined in the official notice from the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs. You may view the new statutory surety bond requirements here. Per the Consumer Affairs division, "Home improvement contractors are individuals and companies involved in repairing, renovating, modernizing, installing, replacing, improving, restoring, painting, constructing, remodeling, moving, or demolishing residential or noncommercial properties." Questions about the application process may be directed to:
Regulated Business Section
Home Improvement Contractor
124 Halsey Street
Newark, New Jersey 07101
New Jersey surety bond leader, Surety One, Inc. is a specialist in providing for the bonding needs of general and mechanical contractors. We offer this class of surety bond and performance bonds to all applicants in every state where contractors must be bonded. Call (800) 373-2804, email or click here for a live chat regarding a New Jersey HICB, HEBC or to discuss other particular needs.
Surety bond application review and quoting are free of charge. There is no obligation to purchase.