Ocean County Automated Payment Program Bond (Dump Bond)

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Bond Penalty: Approximately two months of disposal fees

Landfill customers who deal with significant volumes of mulch, compost, woodchips or other landfill products may enter into an automated payment program with the county to access the landfill. An Ocean County deferred payment surety bond is a preferred method of financial assurance of a user's payment obligations. Per O.C., "Disposal fee payments can be deferred. The amount of the surety bond will represent approximately two (2) months of disposal fees, determined by the County when an automated payment application is received." Application materials may be downloaded form the County's website. This account service is available to landfill customers who use the Prima Deshecha Landfill, Frank R. Bowerman Landfill and Olinda Alpha Landfill and prefer not to pay by cash or check on each visit. The following are links for interested operators.

Automated Payment Account Application
Landfill Use Fees (Effective July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020)

*Failure to maintain a dump bond with the county will terminate the operator's use of the landfill.

The Ocean County automated payment surety bond guarantees prompt payment of monthly billings and will be claimed only in the event of default. Unpaid bills and pending charges cannot exceed the amount of dump bond. Upon application approval a standard deferred payment card is issued for the operator by the County Of Orange. The surety bond must be approved specifically by the County as an alternative form of financial assurance. Further questions, applications and surety bonds may directed to:

601 N. Ross Street, 5th Floor
(714) 834-4178

California surety bond leader, Surety One, Inc. is a specialist in the bonding needs of refuse and landscaping professionals. We offer both surety and fidelity bonds in support of operators in all fifty states, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Feel free to contact us at (800) 373-2804, Underwriting@SuretyOne.com or click here for a live chat about your Ocean County dump automated payment program bond or any other surety bond need.

Surety bond application review and quoting are free of charge. There is no obligation to purchase.

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