Puerto Rico Non-resident Cost Bond (Fianza de No Residentes Seg. §69.5)

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Bond Penalty: $1,000 or Less per Court Requirement

A Puerto Rico non-resident cost bond is required for all plaintiffs bringing civil suit in the courts of the Commonwealth. The surety bond penalty is minimal however failure to file said undertaking is a fatal defect which may result in dismissal of the plaintiff's suit. In Priolo v. El San Juan Towers Hotel, 575 F. Supp. 208 (D.P.R. 1983), the court affirmed that, "a dismissal for failure to comply with a non-resident bond order operates under Puerto Rico law as an adjudication on the merits, unless the trial court otherwise specifies." Pursuant to PR Laws tit. 32A, §69.5 (2018):

  • Cuando la parte reclamante resida fuera de Puerto Rico o sea una corporación extranjera, el tribunal requerirá que preste fianza para garantizar las costas, gastos y honorarios de abogados a que pueda ser condenada. Todo procedimiento en el pleito se suspenderá hasta que se preste la fianza, que no será menor de mil dólares ($1,000). El tribunal podrá ordenar que se preste una fianza adicional si se demuestra que la fianza original no es garantía suficiente, y los procedimientos en el pleito se suspenderán hasta que se preste dicha fianza adicional.

The Puerto Rico cost bond requirement may be waived if the plaintiff is insolvent (pauper claim), if a co-plaintiff is a resident, or if the plaintiff has filed an action in certain cases related to the disposition of real property located in Puerto Rico.

Plaintiff cost bond review is best underwritten by a surety bond specialist with knowledge of this class of judicial bond in Puerto Rico and with experience with judicial cost bond language. Surety bond leader, Surety One, Inc., specializes in court bonds. An application and copy of the civil complaint are all that are needed in order to receive a court cost bond quote. An application is reviewed and quoted within one hour of receipt. We are the MOST RESPONSIVE court bond underwriter in the United States. Call (800) 373-2804, email us at Underwriting@SuretyOne.com or click here for a Puerto Rico non-resident plaintiff cost bond application or for any court bond need.

Surety bond application review and quoting are free of charge. There is no obligation to purchase.

What We Need From You

Additional Attachments

  • Copy of Complaint