Temporary Staffing Agency Fidelity Bond

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Coverage Limits from $5,000 to $500,000

A staffing agency bond or temporary staffing fidelity bond is an inexpensive way to protect both your business your clients. This is a type of commercial crime coverage referred to as a "business services bond" or "dishonesty bond". A third party fidelity bond is a coverage which insures against the dishonest acts of employees that provide services on the premises of a client and addresses those specific perils of a staffing agency placing workers in a business office. Employee theft from client businesses and residences is common. The statistics report that approximately seventy five percent of retail and labor employees steal from their employers at least once and that those losses account for seven percent or more of annual revenue. Is your business vulnerable to losses like these?

Proper background investigation and reference checks of potential staffers is a good risk management tool however it is not possible to watch every temporary at all times. One significant loss due to employee dishonesty can erode a staffing agency's profit or worse, a client lawsuit against you and your firm can bankrupt you and cause irreparable reputation damage. Given that employee theft is the cause of over a quarter of business failures, a temporary staffing service bond can mean the difference between losing your livelihood and running a profitable business.

National fidelity bond leader, Surety One, Inc., specializes in underwriting fidelity risks for ALL types of business risks. No background checks are required, and we NEVER turn away an applicant. Call (800) 373-2804, email Underwriting@SuretyOne.com or click here to discuss a temporary staffing agency fidelity bond or surety bond need.

Surety bond application review and quoting are free of charge. There is no obligation to purchase.