
surety reinsurance

Surety Reinsurer Fickleness

Surety reinsurance can be difficult to procure. Reinsurers can be fickle, changing their preference and appetites for many reasons. Some treaties and cession agreements can be merely an accommodation. Others can severely restrict the classes of surety bond for which… Continue Reading →

Surety One, Inc. principal named Re Scholar

Chief underwriter and CEO of Surety One, Inc., C. Constantin Poindexter has been awarded the Re Scholar certificate by the Reinsurance Association of America (RAA).  Mr. Poindexter is one of only SIXTEEN individuals worldwide to have earned this honor. The… Continue Reading →

Surety One at Reinsurance Conference.

May 14th through the 17th, we’ll be in Chicago at the Reinsurance Association of America’s ReBasics course and conference.  What is it all about?  Here’s the course description, . . . “Demystifying Reinsurance: A Basics of Reinsurance is a comprehensive overview… Continue Reading →

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