You will need a Georgia title bond if you are a vehicle owner but do not have the required proof of ownership documents to obtain a Georgia title in your name.  The basic requirements for title bonding are; 1.)  you are a legal resident of Georgia, 2.)  the vehicle cannot be abandoned, 3.) the vehicle must be a 1986 model or newer and, 3.) the vehicle must be of a type that requires titling.  The Georgia certificate of title bondmust be written in the amount of the average retail value of the vehicle according to values used by the Department of Revenue, Property Tax Division.  The bond must be valid for four years and guarantee that if any prior owner, lien holder, or security interest holder, and if any subsequent purchaser of the above vehicle or person acquiring any security interest or lien in it, and their respective successors in interest should suffer any expense, loss or damage, by reason of the issuance of the Certificate of Title of the bonded vehicle or on account of any defect in or undisclosed security upon the right, title and interest of the Principal in and to the vehicle, the Georgia Department of Revenue Commissioner shall have a right of action to recover on this bond for the benefit of such person.  The title must be applied for within six-months (6) of the issue date of the Georgia title bond. The minimum acceptable surety bond amount is $100.00. National surety leaderSurety One, Inc. provides a six line, simple title bond application.  We offer terms for your bond regardless of the circumstances surrounding your title application. Visit us at, call (787) 333-0222 or (800) 373-2804, or email us at for a Georgia title bond application or for information about any surety bond need.