
erisa fidelity bond

ERISA Fidelity Bond Reminder for 2014.

Do you have the statutorily required ERISA fidelity bond in place?  The first of the year is a good moment to review your compliance checklist!  Federal ERISA section 412 and related regulations (29 C.F.R. § 2550.412-1 and 29 C.F.R. Part… Continue Reading →

ERISA Fidelity Bonds, The D.o.L’s Position

If you are having any difficulty understanding the requirement(s) for an ERISA fidelity bond, the following is directly from and authored by the “Authority”, the U.S. Department of Labor. ERISA section 412 and related regulations (29 C.F.R. § 2550.412-1 and… Continue Reading →

What does an ERISA bond cover?

Since we write a looooooooooooot of of ERISA fidelity bonds, we get this particular question very frequently.  The best “legal” definition is contained within the U.S. Department of Labor’s circular FAB 2008-04.  An ERISA section 412 bond must protect the… Continue Reading →


Do you have the statutorily required ERISA bond in place?  Federal ERISA section 412 and related regulations (29 C.F.R. § 2550.412-1 and 29 C.F.R. Part 2580) require that every fiduciary of an employee benefit plan and every person who handles funds… Continue Reading →

ERISA fidelity bond compliance.

The Department of Labor can easily monitor whether the ERISA fidelity bond requirements have been met.  Plan administrators are obligated to file a federal Form 5500 schedule H annually, which asks specifically if the plan is bonded and the plan’s… Continue Reading →

ERISA Bond with Non-qualifying Assets

Plans containing non-qualifying assets must be covered by an ERISA fidelity bond that meets the requirements of section 412 of ERISA however there is a difference in the bond amount required under the Federal Code.  Instead of the ten percent… Continue Reading →

ERISA bond compliance, the fallout!

As we have stressed in previous blogs, if you sponsor a defined benefit plan or act as a plan fiduciary you had BETTER make sure that you have an adequate ERISA fidelity bond.  So what happens if your plan gets… Continue Reading →

ERISA Bonds, what are they and why?

The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA), enacted on September 2, 1974. ERISA is federal statute which establishes minimum standards for pension plans in private industry and provides for extensive rules on the tax effects of transactions associated with employee benefit plans. ERISA… Continue Reading →

ERISA fidelity bond 2013 reminder

Surety One, Inc., is a specialist in surety and fidelity bond underwriting. We are one of the largest producers of ERISA fidelity bonds in the nation. Our knowledge, extensive experience with ERISA bonds, and our broad fidelity underwriting authorities allow us to fulfill your… Continue Reading →

ERISA Bond for multi-employer plans.

ERISA Sections 3(37) and Sec. 4001(a)(3)), define a multi-employer plan as a collectively bargained plan maintained by more than one employer, usually within the same or related industries, and a labor union. These plans are often referred to as “Taft-Hartley plans”…. Continue Reading →

Retro-dating ERISA bonds.

Did you forget that you must have a bond for your defined benefit plan?  Have you been out of compliance for months or MORE!???  Retro-dating ERISA bonds presents unique underwriting concerns for surety underwriters however, we have a solution for… Continue Reading →

ERISA bond page!

Need further information about about ERISA law, cases, and all of our fidelity bond applications?  Visit our new ERISA bond page at www.ERISA-Bonds.com!

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