

DC Personal Representative Bond

A DC personal representative bond is required of probate administrators unless specifically waived. D.C. Code §20–502 is instructive. Subsection (a) clearly defines the requirement. “Unless excused from filing a fiduciary bond by the decedent’s will or written waiver of all… Continue Reading →

Florida Personal Representative Bond

A Florida probate bond is generally the bond of a personal representative. Administrator, administratrix, executor, executrix, trustee under a will, etc., are synonymous with “personal representative” as defined by Florida law. 733.402 of the Florida Statutes defines the requirement. Pursuant… Continue Reading →

North Carolina Probate Bond

A North Carolina probate bond is required of applicants for a fiduciary role in the estate of deceased persons under specific circumstances. An administrator bond (or administratrix), executor bond and probate bond are synonymous within the fiduciary class of business…. Continue Reading →

Kansas Injunction Bond (TRO Bond ~ Kansas)

Injunctive relief is contemplated under Kansas statute however a Kansas injunction bond is a financial assurance instrument required by §60-905 before an enjoining order may take effect. Per section (a.), “No temporary injunction shall be granted until after reasonable notice… Continue Reading →

Delaware Injunction Bond (Restraining Order Bond ~ Delaware)

Per Chancery Court Rules, a Delaware injunction bond must be filed with the court before any restraining order or injunction will be issued. Pursuant to Rule 65, “No preliminary injunction shall be issued without notice to the adverse party, and without… Continue Reading →

Florida Temporary Injunction Bond

A Florida temporary injunction bond is required in order to perfect an injunction order in this jurisdiction. The mechanism is contemplated under Fla. R. Civ. P. 1.610, “A temporary injunction may be granted without written or oral notice to the… Continue Reading →

Janus Assurance Re ~ International Surety Expertise

Janus Assurance Re is a direct source of bond capacity for international obligations that require surety support. Janus will consider contract surety applications lesser than or equal to ten million U.S. dollars and commercial surety applications no greater than five… Continue Reading →

A Demolition Contract Performance Bond Will Not Cover an Accident

In June of this year, a demolition contractor hired to remove the Regency House Building in Texarkana, inadvertently brought down an adjacent building. The contractor had been required to offer a bond however, a demolition contract performance bond will not… Continue Reading →

NVOCC Bond for Ocean Transport Intermediaries

Although ocean transport intermediaries form a small group of shipping professionals, there is a brisk demand for NVOCC bond and OFF bond capacity. Applying for the ocean freight forwarder (OFF) or non-vessel operating common carrier (NVOCC) licenses can be less… Continue Reading →

Takaful Surety ~ التكافل

نحن نحترم مبادئ الشريعة كما هو مطبق على التكافل. يتم تدريب رئيس الشركة في الإسلام المتوافقة التكافل.

California Labor Commission Appeal Bond

An employer that has sustained a Labor Standards Enforcement judgment against him or her retains the right of court review upon filing of a California Labor Commission appeal bond and noticing the commissioner. Chapter 4. Division of Labor Standards Enforcement of… Continue Reading →

Brexit and Ongoing Surety Bond Capacity

The British Exit from the European Union is now a matter of fact. I and the Surety One, Inc. team would like to assure our British partners and clients that we have confidence in the pound sterling, the UK economy… Continue Reading →

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