Non-resident plaintiffs bringing civil suit in the courts of the State of Colorado must regularly provide cost of court security in the form of a Colorado non resident cost bond. Attorneys and plaintiffs be advised that pursuant to § 13-16-102. if an action is commenced by a nonresident of Colorado without filing a Colorado non-resident cost bond or if at any time after the commencement of any suit by a resident of this state he or she shall become nonresident, and the court is satisfied that the nonresident plaintiff is unable to pay the costs of suit, the court may, on motion of the defendant or any officer of the court, order the nonresident plaintiff, on or before the day in such order named, to give a Colorado non resident cost bond for the payment of costs in the suit. To ensure that access to the courts is not unreasonably denied, a court shall not require an instrument in writing for the payment of costs of suit in excess of five thousand dollars. If the nonresident plaintiff neglects or refuses, on or before the day in such rule named, to file such instrument, the court, on motion, shall dismiss the suit.  Surety One, Inc., will issue these for all plaintiff applicants regardless of credit condition.

Visit the Colorado court bond leader at, call (787) 333-0222 or (800) 373-2804, or email for a Colorado court cost bond application.