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Collection agency bond.

In most states a collection agency must file a surety bond with its licensing authority.  In addition to ensuring compliance with the statutes regulating collection activity, the collection agency bond often offers a financial guarantee for third party funds that… Continue Reading →

Athlete agent bond.

Many states have adopted more or less uniform laws for athlete agents.  Most now require surety bonds.  The athlete agent surety bond ordinarily guarantees the payment of all sums due a person at the time the sums are due, and… Continue Reading →

Florida Seller of Travel Bond

Florida Code requires any person or business who is a seller or promoter of travel related services to register annually with the Department of Consumer Services. Unless exempt, sellers of travel are required to provide proof of assurance in the… Continue Reading →

Oregon motor vehicle dealer bond.

In Oregon all car dealers must obtain a motor vehicle dealer bond.  If the licensee sells cars only then the auto dealer bond requirement is $40,000.  If a dealer also dismantles vehicles for parts sale there is a separate dismantler surety bond required in the amount… Continue Reading →

Fianza de garantía financiera.

Una fianza de garantía financiera es un tipo de “envoltura crediticia”.  La fianza “envuelve” la obligación del solicitante con el buen nombre y estabilidad crediticia de una afianzadora.  El respaldo de una garantía financiera puede incentivar a un acreedor ofrecer un préstamo… Continue Reading →

North Carolina Preneed Funeral Service Bond.

As a result of the loss or embezzlement of preneed funeral service fees paid to funeral homes that either failed in business or mishandled trust monies deposited for future funeral needs, you will need to provide a North Carolina preneed… Continue Reading →

Third Party Fidelity Bond Coverage

It is well established law in most states that a standard fidelity bond does not cover an insured’s liability to a third party, even though an employee’s dishonesty is what sets into motion a chain of events culminating in that liability. … Continue Reading →

Lost check bond.

Have you misplaced a money order, bank check or cashiers check and need a replacement?  The issuing bank will likely ask you for a lost instrument bond.  This type of indemnity bond is written in a fixed amount, referred to… Continue Reading →

Alabama auto dealer bond.

In Alabama all auto dealers (new and used) must provide a motor vehicle dealer bond.  If the licensee sells new cars on a retail lot, then the auto dealer bond requirement is $25,000.  If the licensee sells used cars or is a… Continue Reading →

Injunction bond.

A plaintiff in a civil case may request that the court order an injunction, preventing a defendant from engaging in certain activities.  If such order is granted the court will likely require an injunction bond.  An injunction bond is a… Continue Reading →

Understanding landfill bonds.

An essential part of any landfill financial plan is a provision for financial assurance of closure and post-closure activities.  A landfill bonds or landfill surety bond is the most popular instrument for guaranteeing a landfill’s ability to meet its long… Continue Reading →

Texas Railroad Commission surety bonds.

It might seem strange that a “railroad” commission regulates oil, gas and mineral exploration, however that is how it works in Texas.  Petroleum operators, coal miners, uranium and mineral explorers must all provide reclamation bonds.  Texas surety bond forms are… Continue Reading →

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