If you have taken and adverse verdict in California and feel that simply perfecting an appeal will stop collection procedures, you may be in trouble unless you have posted a California appeal bond. Section 916 of the California Code of… Continue Reading →
A supersedeas bond is essentially an appeal bond. An appellant that wishes to delay payment or compliance with a judgment may offer a supersedeas bond, effectively staying execution of the judgment during the appeal period. A supersedeas bond benefits BOTH… Continue Reading →
Marvell just took a $1.1 billion verdict! Who will be the lucky surety company that gets to write THIS supersedeas bond? 😉 Surety One, Inc., is your judicial bond source for all federal, state and local court bond needs. Visit… Continue Reading →
An appeal bond is required of appellants (both defendants and plaintiffs) after entry of a judgment in a civil lawsuit in most cases. An “appeal” is a formal request for either review or trial de novo. Generally, the appellant appeals because he… Continue Reading →
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