The Iowa Legislature has passed new contractor licensing law.  An Iowa Sheet Metal Contractor Bond is one of several new requirements of specific classes of contractor.  Pursuant o the new statute, “sheet metal” means heating, ventilation, air conditioning, pollution control, fume hood systems and related ducted systems or installation of equipment associated with any component of a sheet metal system. “Sheet metal” EXCLUDES refrigeration and electrical lines and all natural gas, propane, liquid propane, or other gas lines associated with any component of a sheet metal system, and therefore does not require the new Iowa sheet metal contractor bond.  The pertinent section of the law is Sec. 20. Section 105.18, to wit;  (shall) “File an application and pay application fees as established by the board and establish that the person meets the minimum requirements adopted by the board. ThroughSenate File 427, p. 9 June 30, 2017, the application shall include the person’s state contractor registration number. After July 1, 2017, the application shall include proof of workers compensation insurance coverage, proof of unemployment insurance compliance,and, for out-of-state contractors, an ‘Iowa sheet metal contractor’ bond as described in chapter 91C.  As written the statute appears to require the new surety bond from non-resident operators.  The bond form is not yet available.

Iowa surety leaderSurety One, Inc. focuses on supporting the bonding needs of the commercial, heavy industrial and construction contracting industries.  We offer this class of bond to all applicants in every state required. Visit, call (787) 333-0222 or (800) 373-2804, or email for an Iowa sheet metal contractor license bond application or information about any surety need.  Recuérde que también asesoramos en SU idioma, así que comuníquese con nosotros, SU compañía afianzadora preferida para esta fianza u otras!