A Delaware motor fuel distributor bond is required of any person, association of persons, firm or corporation who imports into the State gasoline for use, distribution, storage or sale after the gasoline reaches the State or who, being in the business of selling and or distributing gasoline in bulk quantities, desires to purchase gasoline tax free from another distributor for resale within Delaware or for export from Delaware. Delaware statute (30 Del C, c. 51 §5101(1)) also applies to any person, association of persons, firm or corporation who produces, refines, manufactures or compounds, or causes to be produced, refined, manufactured or compounded gasoline within Delaware. A Delaware fuel distributor bond must accompany the distributor’s application to the Motor Fuel Tax Administration. The Delaware motor fuel surety bond (Form MFT-3) must be made payable to the State of Delaware, Motor Fuel Tax Administration. Every distributor is required to file with the State of Delaware, Motor Fuel Tax Administration, a bond in the approximate sum of three (3) times the average monthly gasoline tax due or estimated to be due by such distributor under the existing law of the State. In no case shall such bond be less than $5,000 nor more than $200,000. A Delaware Motor Fuel Distributor license number cannot be issued until the Delaware motor fuel surety bondis posted. The motor fuel surety bond guarantees that the licensee will file true reports with the Motor Fuel Tax Administration, pay promptly to the any and all Motor Fuel taxes which are due together with any and all penalties and/ or interest, and will comply with the provisions of state law. Surety One, Inc., United States surety leader writes fuel tax surety bonds for airline, maritime and ground transportion operations. No surety underwriter can match our attention to your IFTA bond or fuel tax bond need. We welcome applications from domestic and foreign companies operating in the United States. Visit SuretyOne.com, call (787) 333-0222 or (800) 373-2804, or email Underwriting@SuretyOne.com for a Delaware motor fuel distributor bond application or information regarding any surety need.