
United States

U.S. Customs Bond Principals to Provide More Information.

U.S. Customs Bonds

South Dakota Appraisal Management Company Surety Bond

The State of South Dakota’s Appraisal Management Company Registration Program has been recently amended to require a South Dakota appraisal management company surety bond from EVERY registrant operating within the state.  The new surety bond requirement is effective as of… Continue Reading →

Michigan Landfill Surety Bond Changes for Closure & Post-Closure

As of December 26th, 2013 the State of Michigan’s landfill surety bond requirements have been modified.  The section of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act pertinent to the bonding requirement for the various types of landfill is as follows: Sec. 11523…. Continue Reading →

New York Adjuster Bond

A New York adjuster bond is required by law if you operate as either a public adjuster OR independent adjuster.  A “public adjuster” acts on behalf of insureds in settling claims arising under insurance contracts issued by the insurer. An “independent… Continue Reading →

Fianza de Contratista de Construcción

Muchos estados y municipios exigen que un contratista general obtenga y deposite una fianza de contratista de construcción.  Esta clase de fianza no es una obligación de fiel cumplimiento, sino una garantía de la buena conducta del contratista.  Una compañía afianzadora siempre espera que el solicitante… Continue Reading →

Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Surety Bond Requirements.

As per the U.S. Environmental Protections Agency all operators of municipal solid waste landfills (MSWLFs) are required to demonstrate that they will be able to pay for the required closure and post-closure care activities, and any corrective action that might… Continue Reading →

Unclaimed Property Bond.

An unclaimed property bond is often a prerequisite for the return of funds or securities held by a state unclaimed property office.  This is a lost instrument bond, usually required in a fixed penalty, which protects the state from claims… Continue Reading →

Constable Bond

A constable bond is a simple public official bond.  Public official bonds are like fidelity bonds in that they guarantee a principal’s honest handling of public funds, however this type of surety bond also service as a guarantee against “misfeasance,… Continue Reading →

Supersedeas Bond

A supersedeas bond is essentially an appeal bond.  An appellant that wishes to delay payment or compliance with a judgment may offer a supersedeas bond, effectively staying execution of the judgment during the appeal period.  A supersedeas bond benefits BOTH… Continue Reading →

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