Attaching a private driveway or entrance way to a state road in Tennessee requires a permit and an entrance permit bond.  The surety bond must run to the Tennessee Department of Transportation and guarantees the principal’s (permit applicant’s) improvements on the state highway right-of-way at the location and in the manner shown on the plans attached to the permit application. The highway permit bond further ensure’s that the principal will restore to original condition any portion of the pavement, shoulders or other parts of the public highway in the event that they are damaged by the principal or his agents during the construction of an entrance or improvement, and will maintain the same in such manner and for such period of time as stated in the permit.  Surety One, Inc., national surety leader is a preferred provider of highway encroachment bonds in all states. We offer these to experienced and legitimate applicants regardless of credit condition. For applications and information on the entrance permit bond or other bonding needs visit us at, call (787) 333-0222 or (800) 373-2804, or email