
Contract Surety

Surety Bond Companies Eyeing Material Cost Increases

Construction is a risky business. Contractors know it and so do surety bond companies. Bob Tita, reporter for the Wall Street Journal recently authored an article discussing the current materials cost challenges facing the sector (Costs Raise Riskiness fo Project… Continue Reading →

Performance Bonds for Electrical Contractors

Surety bond underwriting contemplates two major classes of bond; commercial surety bonds and contract surety bonds. General contractors are by far the most frequent requestors of the latter which are generally purchased to guarantee the completion of construction projects. Underwriters… Continue Reading →

Contract Surety Bonds in the Times of Coronavirus

Grace Winkler Cranley and Michael J. Weber, counsel and partner with Dinsmore & Shohl LLP, have penned a great piece on the “novel scenarios” that this new “novel virus” has presented surety companies, contractors and project owners. The eight hundred pound gorilla… Continue Reading →

Performance Bond Capacity and Healthy Work on Hand

Contract surety bond underwriting is an art however the artist must also be an analyst. Analyzing the financial condition of a bond principal does not admit creativity. In fact, being “creative” with the numbers is a strict no-no. Coupled with… Continue Reading →

La Fianza en la Construcción

Por medio de la fianza, contratistas pueden acceder al mercado de obras públicas y proyectos más grandes, así mejorando sus ofertas y rentabilidad. Un artículo por el  licenciado Israel O. Alicea, se trata del mismo “Todo sobre las fianzas en proyectos… Continue Reading →

Performance Bond Claim, the Bonding Company Steps In

Construction is an inherently risky business. Even the best general contractor can experience difficulties. For that reason surety bonds are required on large and public projects. A performance bond generally guarantees that a general contractor (the “principal”) will complete a… Continue Reading →

Financial Statements for Contract Surety Bonding

A financial statement is the most important data source for the surety bond underwriter. Although there are a myriad of factors that influence the contract surety bonding underwriter’s judgment of a contractor’s qualifications (financial and otherwise), the financial statement is… Continue Reading →

Pay-if-Paid Clauses’ Effect on Surety Bonds in Florida

Surety bonds in Florida are subject to claims even if the claimant has agreed to a valid pay-if-paid clause in its contract with the principal. Sureties should still require principals to include pay-if-paid clauses in their contracts, despite the protection… Continue Reading →

Performance Bond Fees Reduced for SBA Surety Bond Guarantee Program

On September 4th, 2018, the Small Business Administration announced its decision to decrease the fees associated with the SBA Surety Bond Guarantee Program (SBG). The fee amendment is the first adjustment in over twelve years. The SBA hope that the… Continue Reading →

Performance Bonds, Some Secrets to Qualifying for Surety Bonds

A frustrating part of being a contract surety bond underwriter is finding oneself obligated to decline a performance bond to a contractor that appears to possess the prerequisite experience, expertise, character and financial strength to accomplish his or her project. The review… Continue Reading →

Contract Surety Bond Approvals ~ How to Get Your Performance Bond Approved

Contract surety bond approvals should be easier. One of the most frustrating parts of being a contract surety bond underwriter is having to decline bonding capacity to a contractor that you feel possesses the prerequisite experience, expertise, character and financial… Continue Reading →

Proposed Changes in Federal Performance Bond and Payment Bond Forms

On October 19th, 2015, the Department of Defense (DoD), General Services Administration (GSA), and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) jointly proposed a Rule which will change the standard federal performance bond and payment bond forms prescribed by the Federal… Continue Reading →

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