
insurance agent

Performance Bond Fees Reduced for SBA Surety Bond Guarantee Program

On September 4th, 2018, the Small Business Administration announced its decision to decrease the fees associated with the SBA Surety Bond Guarantee Program (SBG). The fee amendment is the first adjustment in over twelve years. The SBA hope that the… Continue Reading →

Performance Bonds, Some Secrets to Qualifying for Surety Bonds

A frustrating part of being a contract surety bond underwriter is finding oneself obligated to decline a performance bond to a contractor that appears to possess the prerequisite experience, expertise, character and financial strength to accomplish his or her project. The review… Continue Reading →

What is a Surety Bond? Learn more about surety bonds

Suretyship has been around a LOOOOOONG time. There are records of surety bond accords that stretch back the the Code of Hammurabi. The first “modern” definition for suretyship in the United States was given by George Robert Wentz in the… Continue Reading →

Illinois Insurance Producer Bond

An Illinois insurance producer bond is required for licensing as an insurance agent when the producer is acting in the capacity of an independent broker. Pursuant to Sec. 500-130, a producer who places insurance with an insurer with which he does not… Continue Reading →

Oregon Pawnbroker Bond

To make high interest loans and accept goods in pawn in Oregon you must be licensed and provide an Oregon pawnbroker bond. The pawnbroker license is issued by the Department of Finance & Corporate Securities.  ORS 726 and OAR 441-740 are the statutes which regulate pawnbrokers,… Continue Reading →

Fidelity bond, commercial crime policy, dishonesty bond, . . . one in the same!

A fidelity bond, often referred to as a commercial crime policy is an EXCELLENT way to cover your business for losses due to the dishonest acts of employees or in certain cases, outside service providers.  Traditionally fidelity bonds have been written to cover… Continue Reading →

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