A North Carolina highway encroachment bond is prerequisite to the approval of a road encroachment permit in the State.  Any construction or development project that occurs in close vicinity of a state or interstate road has the potential to “encroach” upon state-maintained roads, the surrounding vegetation/beautification, and drainage systems. The permit for this type of work is issued by the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT).

The highway encroachment bond guarantees that damages caused by said activity is properly repaired by the contractor that caused the damage.  Historically, remediation has included such things as right of way monuments, drainage structures, curbs, road shoulders, manhole loss and damage, filling pavement cuts, etc.  The North Carolina highway encroachment bondobligation simply states that the principal will, “reimburse the Department of Transportation for any repairs made necessary by damage to any roads occasioned by the operations”, however this surety bond obligation essentially backs an agreement signed by the contractor/principal and the state regardless of the bond form wording.  The “boiler-plate” North Carolina contracts usually include requirements that the principal will comply with all state, federal and local environmental laws, obtain property permits, have knowledge of erosion control measures and implement the same, and the protection of protected wildlife species that might be disturbed by roadside operations.

North Carolina surety bond leaderSurety One, Inc. is a preferred provider of surety bonds for contractors and developers. We offer this class of bond to experienced and legitimate applicants regardless of credit condition. Visit us at SuretyOne.com, call (800) 373-2804, or email Underwriting@SuretyOne.com for a North Carolina highway encroachment bond application or for information on any surety bond need.