HVAC specialty contractors in Idaho must provide the Division of Building Safety a $2,000 an HVAC compliance bond, also known as an HVAC contractors certification bond. The obligation ensures that the contractor will perform all HVAC work, whether personally or under his supervision, in accordance with all provisions of the State HVAC standards and law and shall indemnify owners or their agents for costs incurred by them for making corrections after reasonable notice by the HVAC Board.  Surety One, Inc., national surety leader is a preferred provider of contractor license bonds in all states where they are required. We offer these to experienced and legitimate applicants regardless of credit condition. For an Idaho HVAC contractor bond application or further information about surety visit us at SuretyOne.com, call (787) 333-0222 or (800) 373-2804, or email Underwriting@SuretyOne.com.  Recuérde siempre que también hablamos su idioma.